Fashion tips for short girls

Beauty and Fashion - Monday, May 13, 2013 5:41:33 AM

Here are some tips for girls to look not so short.

Wear monochromatic hues
Try wearing different shades of a single colour as this can create an illusion of height.

Choose high-waist patterns
High waist outfits like trousers, skirts or shorts create the look of longer legs.

Opt for pointed flats

If you are not comfortable wearing heels, choose pointed flats. They add inches to your height.

Use a thin belt
Thin belts divide the body proportionately so choose them over the broad ones

Carry small handbags
Carrying oversize handbags is not a good idea for small statured girls.

Alter it
Alterations can be beneficial for any size or height. So keep laziness at bay and make that quick trip to your tailor.

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