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Ancient Astrology

Business Brief : Astrology & vaastu

Ancient Astrology
36, Anand Vihar,Pitampura, Delhi - 110034 (INDIA) - 110034 .
Phones -NA-
Mobiles +91-9899702480
Member Since 1/15/2011
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Business Details :

Ancient Astrology is a science which deals in applying practical astronomy to the prediction of events. Vedic Astrology has its origin from the Vedas, the ancient sacred book of the Hindus.Many centuries ago, Vedic Astrology was documented in the Vedas by saints like Parashar, Bhrigu and contemporaries of that time. Translating to Hindi,Astrology means Jyotish which has the literal meaning as the science of light of God.Indian Astrlogy studies the position of planets,Nakshatras zodiac sign and determine their affect on the future and fate of Human.It is a science and involves mathematical calculation to foretell a natural phenomenon (tides, eclipses, etc.)and judge occult influences of stars on human.Vedic Astrology can be applied on the horoscope which is a diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place.Using this,an Astrologer can analyse a person`s future and suggest corrective action to evade the adverse effects of the stars on one`s life.

