30,000 Games Volunteers to be trained in 3 months

Common Wealth Games News - Friday, July 2, 2010 10:52:54 AM

The Organising Committee (OC) of the Commonwealth Games has brought down its requirement of volunteers for the October 3-14 mega event with three months to go before the Commonwealth Games. Around 30,000 games volunteers going to be trained within three months, volunteers trained not only for Security, sports terminology, etiquette and help but also, what to do in emergency situations. According to Christian Napier of EKS, "It’s a challenge for to conduct this training just three months before but volunteer’s motivation levels are high it’s an advantage for us.  


Motivation level is going high on Wednesday as group of 250-odd volunteers underwent the first phase of training. The training which has been divided into general (one day), role specific (half day) and venue specific (half day) sessions will be imparted to 30,000 volunteers who have come from all walks of life.
Forty Delhi Government School teachers helped the Organising Committee to shortlist the volunteers.

Many of the people coming from different parts of India, it shows volunteer’s interest in commonwealth games 2010. Like Rahul Goel from Bhatinda, Razi Ahmad from Jamia Milia University added a comment - "I'm a student of history and I'd like to pass on my knowledge about the city's past to the visitors, level of dedication and willingness to do something for Delhi.

Total Number of Volunteers:
30,000 volunteers going to be trained out of them approximately 22,000 to be deployed.

Volunteers Participated From:               
Volunteers From                      Number of Volunteers

Delhi University                              5,000
NSS                                                   6,000
NCC                                                   2,700
Ministry of Tourism                       1,500
Delhi Government                          5,800
SAI                                                     1,250

Training Provided By: Consortium of Amity, EKS and three more companies from Europe and US.

To register for volunteer programme and much more visit to http://aglasem.com/updates/?tag=register-for-volunteer-program

2025 DelhiHelp

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2:37PM 22/9/10 amit verma Sir,I am amit verma,student of ca final &i want to know whether i can apply for volunter's job for cwg 2010.
12:27PM 26/8/10 Gitanjalli gaur sir, I am doing Bsc(H)Comp.sc from Du and I am very interested for volunteer's job.So, how can I apply for volunteer's job in CWG 2010.
8:53PM 19/8/10 meghna baruah regd.no 702627 havenot received anymail regarding deployment.
5:3PM 14/8/10 aditya srivastava i m nt receiving any mail for role specific traning or venue specific traning .can any help me for this matter .
5:20PM 17/7/10 jitendra kumar Sir,I am jitendra persuing B.Sc. in hospitality & hotel administration fro IHM-pusa new delhi and I wants to know that can i apply now for the volunter's job for Common wealth games 2010

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