I love my hair

Delhi Life-Style - Saturday, November 19, 2011 7:16:21 AM

“Beauty comes for inside”, Hair is an important part of any ones personality, long hair, short hair, always stay in fashion whether you are Male or Female both wants to have strong, shiny and healthy hair.  

But Hair can face all sorts of complications in winter, from split ends to dry frizzed. Here are some tips to manage them better in this season:

Know your hair
You need to keep your hair and scalp moisturised in this season. Otherwise the skin is likely to flake very easily. Moreover, do not overdo the indoor heating as it accentuates your problem of dryness in hair.

Scalp Cleansing
You will need to shampoo your hair regularly but too much of it can be harmful. Make it less frequent than once a day. You are likely to keep your hair tied up and in enclosed most of the time, it is important that it is protected from becoming limp and oily.

How to Wash your hair
Keep in mind You should not use very hot water for washing your hair in winter. Use lukewarm water and resist the urge to drive the cold with really hot water. This is particularly important for rinsing your hair after using a conditioner.

Conditioner for Hair in winter
You should use one every time you wash your hair. This will help you increase elasticity, shine and strength of the hair. For dry hair, you can find special conditioners that claim to replenish it with essential minerals. They moisturise and strengthen your hair even better.

Hair drying in winter
Do not use the hair dryers in winter. This is clear enough that your hair is dry in winter and some people make the mistake of using dryers even more than they do in other seasons. Try to dry your hair naturally despite the need to endure the heat for longer. You have a choice between continuing cold and having a shiny hair.

By Trying above tips, you can avoid the common problems faced by you, in maintaining the health of your hair in winter.

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