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Global Campus

Business Brief : 'We are India's leading & most trusted Overseas Education Consultants based in Delhi-NCR.

Global Campus
A-24/9, Mohan Co-operative, Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044 - 110044 .
Phones 011-41197111
Mobiles 9871821800
Member Since 3/7/2020
Membership General
Business Details : Our founders strongly believe that for every organisation it is of paramount importance to know its purpose, cause or belief that it wants to champion. Knowing “Why” of business is the starting point for any institution that is planning to make a dent in the universe. This company came to life in order to uplift Indian students by making them see beyond the obvious career options in India which are not keeping up with the changing real world. Our world is changing very fast but not our colleges & universities & thus the unemployment rate of graduate and postgraduate Indian students is constantly on the rise.
