As being diversely rich in culture and history, Delhi in India is one of the most preferred place by tourist either for people from India or from abroad, apart from monuments and museums of history or of modern art Delhi also attracts people for trendy and vibrant fashion wheatear of expensive brand or the magic of road side glam, Delhi just has it all, and one can find a tourist spot or great marketing lot anywhere in city, as Delhi is filled with it. What a person need is just a little knowledge or someone who does or the best is to believe gadgets, few things to idly keep in mind to have fun in capital of India.
Before leaving for a place to visit what a person need is to plan i.e., do a little research of the place to visit if you are going for the first time, know about transportation to be used get a rough idea for fare and time for the transportation to leave the station, what to carry with yourself that will be helpful.amd in case it gets late or you know you will get late book a hotel room for yourself, and if possible do go through weather news to get yourself prepared.
Delhi bear all kind of climate ranging from extreme hot in summer to extreme chill so the best time to visit Delhi is when it’s not too cold nor too hot that is in the month of September to November and from February to April
To enjoy at most be aware of all the new events, concerts, exclusive classical and latest dance show and the best way for it is through news paper , television, radio, internet and through friends, and do confirm and be sure about the time and date and venue and do make the required prior arrangements accordingly.
One must inform someone before leaving and when he/she will return and if possible keep them updated, for girls’ best not to travel alone especially at night. And also be careful of your belongings and also to the stuffs that don’t belong to you.
For any tourist spot or a market the best transportation is public transportation, even if you are not well informed you will find someone friendly enough to help you, and in case you don’t find any one look for public servant they’ll assist you or use internet easily available on your mobile. Apart from that you can also opt for arranging taxi or fixed cab for yourself.
If you are at a tourist spot, the best way to explore most is by getting help i.e., get a guide and be sure that they are genuine, just simply ask for their ID cards or the best and most genuine way for help is your gadget your mobile, on your mobile you can easily visit “Delhihelp.com” and help yourself easily or read all the signs available all around you to help yourself which are avail in different language.
Here we not only mean that you obey the traffic rules, but also greatly obey rules set by elders especially when you are at a holy place, causing any disrespectful action or not following rules even after someone has politely asked you few times and also has reasoned his/her action can make people angry and they will have the right to ask you leave the premises .So play your part wisely and listen to others and never feel ashamed to ask if not aware.