Geography of Delhi

About Delhi - Friday, February 11, 2011 6:03:55 AM

Delhi, a true cosmopolitan city with diversified culture is the capital of the world’s largest democracy, India. Known as Indraprastha in ancient times.

The state is spread over an area of 1483 square kilometer. According to the Indian geography the state is located at the center of the Indian subcontinent, amidst the ranges of Himalaya and the Aravalli. Delhi has been wooed by rulers, attracted invaders and has been build and destroyed several times. Historians say that is has been rebuilt seven times during different ages.

Situated on the banks of river Yamuna, Delhi is located at 28.38° N and 77.13° E on the northern part of India. There are three major geographical regions: the Yamuna flood plain, the ridge & the Gangetic Plains. The Yamuna flood plains provide fertile soil suitable for agriculture. However, these plains are prone to recurrent floods. With an average altitude of 293 m above sea level, the ridge forms the most dominating feature in this region.

Delhi comprises of 200 villages which are heavily populated.Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are the other states, which share their borders with Delhi in the west and east respectively.

It originates from the Aravalli Hills in the south and encircles the west, north-east and north-west portions of the city. The Great Plains are located in the south of the city and cover most of Delhi.

Delhi geography gives an overview of the capital city of India bearing a rich cultural background.

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