What is Cyber Crime?

Useful Websites - Saturday, September 17, 2011 10:39:21 AM

Internet in India is growing very fast. It has given rise to new opportunities in every field we can think of – be it entertainment, business, sports or education. But there are always two sides of a coin. Internet also has its own advantages as well as disadvantages.

One of the major disadvantages of internet is Cybercrime. The internet, along with its advantages, has also exposed us to security risks that come with connecting to a large network. Computers today are being misused for illegal activities like e-mail espionage, credit card fraud, spams, software piracy and so on, which invade our privacy and offend our senses. Criminal activities in the cyberspace are on the rise.

In Simple cyber crime is unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or a target or both.

Definition of Cybercrime: "It is a criminal activity committed on the internet. This is a broad term that describes everything from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks that cause electronic commerce sites to lose money".

Cyber crimes can be basically divided into 3 major categories:

  • Cybercrimes against persons.
  • Cybercrimes against property.
  • Cybercrimes against government.

Almost all companies extensively depend upon their computer networks and keep their valuable data in electronic form. Government forms including income tax returns, company law forms etc are now filled in electronic form. Consumers are increasingly using credit cards for shopping.

Most people are using email, cell phones and SMS messages for communication.
Even in "non-cyber crime" cases, important evidence is found in computers / cell phones e.g. in cases of divorce, murder, kidnapping, tax evasion, organized crime, terrorist operations, counterfeit currency etc.

If you have any Issue Regarding Cyber Crime or Cyber law you can refer following websites:

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